Sunday, February 20, 2011

Baby Aiden

First, I want to thank all of you for your super sweet birthday comments. It's been a great couple of days and I am pretty confident that J had a wonderful birthday! I want to share all of the exciting details of the b-day festivities, but to be honest I feel like poop. I am beyond exhausted, my allergies are AWFUL (seriously who gets allergies in August???) and I am so sore from working out with my trainer that I feel physically sick. Ok, Ok, I'll stop whining! Moral of the story, I'm in no mood to write a super long post with a million pictures. Instead, I want to share some super exciting news and congratulate some friends of ours!

On Monday afternoon our friends Andrew and Candice welcomed a beautiful baby boy in to the world! Yesterday, J and I made a quick trip to the hospital to meet the little guy.

Everybody, say hello to Aiden Parker! 

 Looks good, right? HAHA, not yet! Not for a while!!!

Me and J with the proud new parents and Aiden! I really should have let Candice hold her own baby in this pic but I couldn't help it!


I hope you all have a great Wednesday! I'm going to take some Claritin, some Advil, eat some soup and take a nap (well, once I'm done with work) and hopefully I'll be in a better mood tomorrow!

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