I did it! I somehow survived the last three days of insane hours of work which was made a million times harder by the crazy heat here in Minnesota. The tournament went great! I wish I could say it went off without a hitch, but that wasn't quite the case. Wednesday night we were about halfway through the second to last sets of games for the night, so close to finishing out day 2 when the power went out. The entire school went black! No lights, no scoreboards, nothing. We had five games being played, one of which was being watched by at least 70 college coaches. Not good. I was extremely impressed by how my dad handled the situation, he very easily could have had a level 5 breakdown and no one would have blamed him. But, he just rolled with it. It was out of our control. So we had to postpone the games for the night and planned to resume the interrupted games at 8am on Thursday morning, followed by the games that were supposed to be played that night. Basically, it meant the championship day was going to be running an hour and a half to two hours behind. We rearranged the schedule and did the best we could to make sure everyone knew when they were supposed to play and where. All of the coaches, players and fans were really understanding and really patient. So after a MAJOR hiccup our last day was pretty smooth sailing and all and all I think it was a great event! I snapped a couple of pictures during the tournament.

With the help of Best Buy we added a new, awesome feature to the tournament this year. We had this screen set up with a slide show of all the college coaches who were at the tournament. And believe me when I say we had some big ones. People loved watching this and seeing who was there recruiting.
Best Buy and EA Sports hooked us up with this awesome gaming station in the cafeteria. Players and fans were able to kill time in between their games by playing all sorts of video games. The new DJ Hero seemed to be the most popular and provided and awesome soundtrack to the tourney.
Me, my little sister and my step-mom working hard!
Corey Brewer from the MN Timberwolves made an appearance! He was an awesome guy, he even gave me a hug when he was leaving!
The first day, Best Buy hosted an awesome BBQ for the coaches and players at the tournament. The MN Timberwolves brought some entertainment and the mascot, Crunch. The BBQ was a huge hit and the food was awesome! Best Buy did a great job!
Now I'm at work just counting down the hours until I can go home and sleep! I will most likely be in bed by 8:00 tonight. Soooo tired!
I hope you all have a great weekend!
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