Sunday, February 20, 2011

Habit Changers

I hate making New Year's Resolutions because I never follow through with them. There are some definite things I want to improve on this year and continue to work on for the rest of my life, so instead of setting resolutions this year I am going to strive to change some habits.

*Save some damn money! I have a serious spending problem. If I have money, I will spend it on anything and everything. Last week I wrote a post (check it out HERE) with some money savings strategies I was going to start implementing. I have started the implementation and so far it's going great. I just have to keep my eye on the prize (wedding, honeymoon, house, vacations) and it motivates me to to spend less and save more.

*Get this big booty in shape. This is my resolution every year, but this year I am getting married and if my wedding dress doesn't motivate me to slim down nothing ever will. I don't necessarily want to lose a ton of weight, I would just like to be healthy and feel great about my body. It's a lifestyle change....eating healthier and working out more. No problem....except that I love fatty foods and I'd rather sleep than run. But, I have a membership to a new gym and I'm really going to try to get in the habit of working out on a regular basis.

*Finish what I started. Last year I set a goal to run/walk 500 miles in the year 2010. I was far from reaching that goal, but I'm not giving up. Instead I am continuing the goal in to 2011 and am striving to run/walk a combined 1,000 miles from Jan 1. 2010-Jan. 1 2012, it's lofty I know....but I can do it!

*KEEP the frickin house clean! J and I are not dirty or lazy people but our house is always a mess. I think it has something to do with our job. We spend 90% of our time at work waiting on people, cleaning up after people, doing dishes, wiping tables, mopping, sweeping, scrubbing, etc etc etc. I think by the time we're actually at home the last thing we want to do is clean up after ourselves. One thing I need to do is clean out our crap. We have so much useless stuff just taking up space. I want to clean out and organize so that everything has it's place. Then once I find a home for everything WE (yes, you too JJ) need to make a conscious effort of putting things away and just cleaning up.

*Cook more! I love to cook and I'm getting better at it....not great, but better. I want to try new recipes and practice harder meals (I've dominated the spaghetti world) and continue to improve in the kitchen. I think maybe I should conduct some kind of recipe exchange, thoughts?

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