Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wedding Wednesday: PHOTOGRAPHER!!!

First of all, I had some downtime (OK, I was straight up bored) and I counted that I only have 42 more Wedding Wednesdays until I get married! CRAZY!

Back in my pre-engagement wedding dreaming days I always knew that choosing a photographer would be the hardest part of wedding planning. I am a picture spaz. I always have my camera and I am always taking a million pictures of absolutely everything. I was a photography major for a couple of years in college, so having amazing wedding photos is the number one priority on my wedding importance list.

Shortly after Coffee Buzz opened a super sweet and super adorable local photographer came and spent the afternoon at Coffee Buzz editing pictures. We got to talking and I instantly looked up her website. I was blown away.

Not long after, Sara Jayne was taking custom photos of downtown Minneapolis to display on the walls of Coffee Buzz.

J and I have gotten to know Sara Jayne and her fiance John over the last year and have built a wonderful friendship with them (I can't wait for their wedding in June).

Me and Sara at the Gophers vs Ohio State game

When I finally got my ring I knew without question that Sara had to be the photographer for our big day. She is so unbelievably talented and I have no doubt that she will do an absolutely amazing job capturing our day for us. The fact that we have become friends helps a ton because I know J and I will be completely comfortable around her and therefore won't have any fake or forced photos. A decision that I always thought would be the absolute hardest was actually the easiest. I didn't even have to think about it. I was creeping Sara Jayne Photography's facebook page and have stolen these amazing photos to show you all how brilliant Sara Jayne really is. Sara---I know you read this so I hope you don't mind that I stole your stuff.

Sara has kindly been holding our date since we got engaged, but just yesterday we finally sat down and had our "official" photography meeting, we gave her a deposit and set our plans in stone. I am so excited for the ideas we have for our engagement session and the wedding day! I am so relieved and feel so lucky to have had Sara Jayne just pop into our lives. I swear it's fate.

Please check out her website to see more of her amazingness:
And if you live in the Twin Cities, HIRE HER! And then thank me for the recommendation later.

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