Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weigh In Wednesday

Spring is approaching here in Minnesota. The past week or so we have reached temperatures in the 40's so naturally Minnesotans are pulling out their trendiest "Winter's over but it's not quite Spring" outfits. For example, people will wear jeans and sweatshirts with flip-flops OR they'll pair a nice thick sweater with a pair of shorts. Being as I completely and utterly hate winter I could not be more thrilled to see the snow melting, but it makes me realize that in just a few short months it will be Summer, and summer means bathing suit! This summer I am also lucky enough to be in two weddings and have a trip to New York City planned. Throughout the cold winter months and the stress of getting Coffee Buzz opened I have packed on a few unwanted pounds. The past few years I have been trying to get back down to my high school weight. I've gotten close a few times but haven't quite hit it. Now that I have started this new venture of owning my own business I think it's time to tackle some personal goals, such as getting to that weight. What I'm really trying to accomplish is a lifestyle change--healthier eating habits, working out on a regular basis, drinking more water, etc. I also cpoied a friend of mine and made a New Year's resolution to walk/run 500 miles in the year 2010. So, I've come up with a plan that I'm calling "Weigh In Wednesdays." Every Wednesday I'll take to my blog to track how much weight I've lost and how many miles I've gone. This will not only hold me accountable but all you committed readers can follow along and maybe set your own personal goals to share!

So, I weighed myself this morning and was surprised that the number wasn't as high as I thought it was going to be! My goal is to lose 19 pounds. I started tracking my miles at the beginning of the year when I had time to go to the gym every day. With Coffee Buzz opening it's harder to get to the gym, but I need to try. To-date I have gone 52 miles so far, so I have 448 miles to go!

In the past, I have found the most effective way for me to lose weight is to count calories, luckily I have an app. on my phone that makes it super easy, it's called Calorie Counter. It has a database full of different foods, different brands and different restaurants. So every time I eat something I find it or enter it into Calorie Counter and it subtracts it from my total daily allowed calories. It also have an exercise diary where I can keep track of my workouts and my calories burned. It's awesome! I am also super excited because me and three friends who all belong to LA Fitness have decided to take a class together every Monday night. It will be great because they can hold me accountable and it will be more fun to do it with them!

And so the journey begins....wish me luck!

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